
Hello, I am a wannabe translator and maybe a writer too. I do things randomly mainly to satisfy my desire and waste make use of my time. Do look around if you have time to waste.



  1. rei_hunter from re-trans, you're doing it pretty well. .-.

    Have a bit more confidence.

    Also, sorry for posting Chapter 01 of MaNoWa, we really didnt know there was someone posting MaNoWa already q-q

    1. thanks and that's fine. More like I did this away from people gazes~ hahaha~

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Speaking of doing things out of one's sight...


      He picked it up on AnimeSuki forum since rei_hunter didn't find anyone. May I perhaps suggest a collaboration?

    4. Oh, might do if I got the motivation to continue~

    5. Actually, xzpwns did the Prologue, and just left it hanging on Animesuki thread. I was trying to find someone to translate it xD....

      But our team has hands full... so yeah.

      FPS Player in Fantasy World is pretty short in terms of chapters (as short as manowa's) but can get very confusing at times.

      Oh right, i've managed to point people from our page to here, and i've posted a link from Reddit to here, so that's where all the page views are coming from... so have fun with that :D

    6. I'm both happy and troubled lol...
      and for FPS, knowing that there's another person doing it I'll put it on hold for now~ if I do have time between Vampire princess and manowa I might pick it again...or not~ kekeke~

    7. Eeehh~~~?! Sh**!! Did I just inadvertently kill off this project?!! Noooo~~~!! ! I was just trying to get you to start working on it so I'd get more and quicker FPS chapters to read later for my own leecherous selfish enjoymeeeennt!!! Guu~~ To think it's turned out like this... Hoho, as expected, translators are scary~~~ T__________T

    8. hahaha~ just so you know, translating FPS is hard~ almost twice harder than Manowa. and my first priority right now is vampire princess so I can't promise anything for FPS~
      believe in durasama~ :D

    9. No, don't believe in me. Translating it is actually harder for me than Arifureta. Hahahahaha....... Well, i'll stick to it and probably finish a chapter till wednesday. Wanted to do it already, but somehow got stuck on other things.

    10. oh appeared! I actually want to collaborate with you for this one but since I've vampire princess at hand it's doubtful whether I can give any regular chapter so I throw away that idea...
      so this is my proposal, is it fine for me to throw random chapter that you haven't translate? (I'll use your progress bar as reference so please update it~ lol~)
      it has no definite schedule nor I will promise anything, and the quality is as you can see~
      I'll let you know every time I finish a chapter if you agree~

    11. Don't have a problem with that. As long as you tell me that you will translate a chapter before you start. The best thing to do would be to contact me directly. I use steam most of the time, but you can just email me a skype (would even prefer steam) or some other kind of contact information at derpole@op.pl so that we can talk it out a bit as the comment section is not the best for it.

  2. Your translations are pretty good and getting better with each chapter.

    Thanks for the hard work.

    1. That make me happy, though I know some don't think so :D

    2. or more like a lot of people don't think so~

    3. aw come on Fathony they're just jealous, don't be so hard on yourself everyone here know that you did a great job and said your translation was great and it's true. just keep up the good work for your fans and subscribers because they are the one that make us keep going till now to continue our project. and when people give input toward our project it was such a great feeling that ah finally our work has been paid off with the input from the people, you should be happy :)


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